Además, al menos dos tercios de las personas que respondieron en los seis países encuestados están convencidos que la distancia entre ricos y pobres se está agrandando en favor de los primeros. Alemania parece ser el país más preocupado sobre esta cuestión, con un 91% de respuestas que creen que esa distancia está aumentando, seguido por Francia e Italia.

Fuente: Harris Interactive/Financial Times
Metodología: Entrevistas online con 6360 adultos en Gran Bretaña, Francia, Alemania, Italia, España y Estados Unidos realizadas entre el 5 de julio y el 13 de julio del 2007.
English Version.
Europe and United State have a negative vision about globalization.
Many people in five different European Union (EU) countries and the United States think globalization has had a negative effect, according to a poll by Harris Interactive published in the Financial Times. More than half of respondents in Britain, France, Italy, and Spain feel this way, and at least 42 per cent in Germany and the U.S. concur.
Additionally, at least two-thirds of respondents in the six countries surveyed are convinced that the wealth gap is increasing. Germans seem the most worried about this issue, with 91 per cent of respondents saying the gap between the rich and the poor is getting larger, followed by France and Italy.

Source: Harris Interactive / Financial Times
Methodology: Online interviews with 6,360 adults in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States, conducted from Jul. 5 to Jul. 13, 2007.
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