No hace falta recordar las numerosas ocasiones en que el PP ha salido a la calle para criticar las diferentes medidas que el ejecutivo de Zapatero fue aprobando, medidas que en muchos de los casos, como por ejemplo la aprobación del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, suponían una ampliación de derechos sin precedentes para colectivos históricamente marginados. ¿No recuerda Aguirre aquellas manifestaciones en las que destacados miembros del PP salieron a protestar junto a los obispos?.
Y qué decir de la utilización que hizo el PP de las víctimas del terrorismo para atacar constantemente la política antiterrorista del gobierno. ¿Ya no se acuerda Aguirre de las numerosas manifestaciones en las que participaron miembros de su partido, incluido ella?En fin, reitero que Esperanza Aguirre, al igual que muchos dirigentes de su partido, son conscientes que digan lo que digan y hagan lo que hagan, su fiel infantería lo asumirá como dogma de fe. Si no, no se entiende que Aguirre no solo intente negar el papel del PP como agitador de las masas en la calle durante el gobierno de Zapatero sino que sigue insistiendo, por ejemplo, y aunque los datos digan lo contrario que en Madrid no se han producido recortes ni en educación ni en sanidad.
Aguirre: “When have we protested in the streets?
I am more convinced than ever, that Esperanza Aguirre believes that most of the people who vote the Popular Party (PP) are so basic and easy to be manipulated, that although she is aware that what she says is not true, her voters will take it as an absolute truth. If not, I do not understand that she can say in relation to the demonstrations that are taking place these days in different Spanish cities, and without being embarrassed , the following: “When have we protested in the streets?”
I do not think I need to remind her all the occasions in which the Popular Party has taken the streets on different Spanish Cities to criticize several bills approved during the government of former President Zapatero, most of which meant, such as the bill legalizing same-sex marriage, the extension of rights to several groups of people that had historically been marginalized. Does not Aguirre remember those demonstrations where featured members of the PP participated along with high representatives of the Church?
And what I can say about how the PP used and abused of the victims of terrorist actions to constantly attack the Governments and its policy against terrorism. Has Aguirre forgotten all the demonstrations in which member of the Popular Party, including her, participated?
Anyway, I would say again that Esperanza Aguirre, along with other member of her party, are aware that no matter what they say or they do, the “faithful infantry” will assume it as dogma of faith. If not, it is difficult to understand that Aguirre not only denies the role of the Popular Party on the demonstrations happened during the government of former President Zapatero but also keeps insisting, for example, that in Madrid no cuts have been made either in Public Education or in the Public Health System. Anyone can simply check the data to see that this is not true.
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